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Call-in telephone counselling services

Confidential Support at Your Fingertips: Our dedicated phone lines offer a safe and anonymous space to discuss your challenges.

One-on-one counselling

Work directly with a qualified counselor to explore the root of your difficulties, develop coping strategies, and build a healthier, happier you.

Motivational Workshops

Motivational speaking and inspirational workshops designed to increase self-awareness and help boost self-esteem in schools, colleges and institutions

We are here to Serve You!

Let’s build a  future where young people in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa overcome adversity and thrive.

Lotus Wellness Trust

About Us

We are a non-profit dedicated to supporting young Zimbabweans facing the challenges of adulthood after experiencing adverse childhood events. Our evidence-based counseling helps youth build emotional and mental resilience, unlocking their potential to become healthy, productive adults.

Our Mission:

  • Offer culturally sensitive interventions tailored to Zimbabwean youth in the country and across the diaspora.
  • Address acculturation challenges and identity issues faced by young Zimbabweans abroad.
  • Provide support for stigmatized populations seeking to move forward after difficult experiences.

Our Vision: We envision a future where young people in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa overcome adversity and thrive.

Fan facts

Why it Matters

Our services briefly touch on a myriad of issues / challenges facing the present generation in Zimbabwe. Many are often unable/reluctant to share their feelings with family or friends but can comfortably discuss them with a trained, non-judgemental, and compassionate counsellor in a safe environment. The goal is to develop and foster a society of self-aware, emotionally intelligent and mentally healthy individuals equipped with the tools necessary to deal with whatever situation they may encounter as they transition into adulthood and beyond. This would in turn promote a society that embraces rather than stigmatizes, builds rather than tears down and is compassionate rather than judgemental. Lotus aims to help turn around the lives of young people through changing post-traumatic stress to post- traumatic growth.
Our present focus is Zimbabwe but we would like to increase our presence in Sub-Saharan Africa and afar in future. We would like to see a present and future generation of individuals who will utilize their skills, abilities and fullest potential in business and in their personal lives to create sound economies, societies and families. It is our hope that our work will outlive us and be continued for generations to come.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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