Year: 2024

Africa Day Celebrations in Zvishavane

What an amazing day it was celebrating Africa Day with a group of special people in Zvishavane, Midlands province of Zimbabwe – the single mothers. LOTUS WOMEN launched successfully one of its projects – The Single Mothers Safe Haven Project.
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The Name Lotus

Our name was inspired by the Lotus plant, which has been a long-standing symbol of spiritual awakening, enlightenment, rebirth, re-invention and hope. The main concept is that the Lotus plant is germinated and grows in muddy and swampy waters, rising and blossoming into something beautiful and awe-inspiring regardless of its…
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What are ACES

In 1998, a US not-for-profit healthcare consortium – Kaiser Permanente published the results of its Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, a joint research project with the Centers for Disease Control. This study featured more than 18,000 adults and examined the connection between negative early experiences and adult health outcomes.  The…
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Our Current Projects

Establishing an advisory board composed of individuals with the experience, drive and staunch belief in our cause that will propel us to achieve our goals Liaising with other non-profit organisations to stay up-to date and receive support in the form of information and resources that will fully equip us with…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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