Motivational Workshops

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Motivational Speaking and Inspirational Workshops: Empowering the Next Generation

At Lotus Wellness Trust, we believe in the transformative power of investing in the mental and emotional well-being of young people. Our motivational speaking engagements and interactive workshops are designed to ignite self-awareness, build self-esteem, and cultivate essential life skills within educational institutions across Zimbabwe.

Our Approach:

  • Dynamic and Engaging: We go beyond lectures, using storytelling, interactive activities, and multimedia elements to create a truly memorable experience for students.
  • Tailored to Your Needs: We work closely with schools, colleges, and institutions to understand their unique challenges and customize our workshops to address those pain points effectively.
  • Focus on Empowerment: We aim to equip young people with the tools to overcome adversity, build healthy relationships, and make positive choices that lead to fulfilling lives.

Key Workshop Themes:

  • Self-Discovery: Who Am I? Helping students uncover their strengths, passions, and values.
  • Building Self-Esteem: Embracing Your Worth Tackling negative self-talk and developing a foundation of self-belief.
  • Resilience: Bouncing Back Teaching coping mechanisms for stress, failure, and challenges.
  • Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation: Techniques for managing difficult emotions and cultivating inner peace.
  • Goal Setting and Decision-Making: Creating a roadmap for personal success.

Let us help your students unlock their potential and build a brighter future. Contact us today to schedule a motivational speaking engagement or workshop!


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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