Home visits

Home Visits

Home Visits: Finding Support in the Midst of Crisis

  • A Safe Haven When the World Feels Unstable: We understand that after a traumatic event, leaving your home can feel overwhelming. Our compassionate team will meet you in the comfort and safety of your own space, providing a supportive presence during a time of great vulnerability.


  • Navigating the Shock and Confusion: Trauma can leave you feeling lost, disoriented, and unsure of the next steps. We provide immediate crisis intervention to help stabilize emotions, offer grounding techniques to manage overwhelming feelings, and guide you towards essential resources.
  • The First Steps on the Road to Healing: Our in-home visits are not just about immediate crisis management; they serve as a bridge to continued care. We’ll work with you to develop coping mechanisms, connect you with long-term counseling if needed, and help you build a personalized plan for navigating the path toward healing.

We Offer:

  • Trauma-informed care: Our team has specialized training in understanding and responding to the unique needs of those who have experienced trauma.
  • Empathetic support: We provide a non-judgmental, listening ear and create a safe space for processing complex emotions.
  • Practical guidance: We help with resource navigation, connecting you with agencies that offer financial, legal, or other forms of assistance.

Let us walk beside you on this journey. Contact us to learn more about our home visit services.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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