Lotus Wellness
Lotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness Trust
+263 77 478 2282
(8am - 4pm)

Call – in Telephone counselling services

Call-in Telephone Counselling Services

Lotus Wellness Trust provides crucial support to young adults and youth of Zimbabwean origin who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Recognizing the unique challenges faced by this population, their Call-in Telephone Counselling Services aim to:

Provide Accessible Support:

Overcoming Barriers: Telephone counselling removes geographical limitations, making support accessible to individuals living in remote areas, those with limited mobility, or those facing financial constraints.

Flexibility and Convenience: Allows individuals to access support at their own convenience, fitting it into their schedules and offering greater flexibility compared to in-person sessions.

Address Specific Needs:

Trauma-Informed Care: Employs evidence-based counselling methods specifically designed to address the impact of ACEs, such as trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Cultural Sensitivity: Incorporates an understanding of Zimbabwean culture and the unique challenges faced by Zimbabwean youth in the diaspora, including issues of acculturation, cultural identity, and a sense of “not belonging.”

Stigma Reduction: Provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to address sensitive issues related to mental health and well-being, reducing the stigma associated with seeking support.

Promote Holistic Well-being:

Emotional, Mental, and Psychological Health: Focuses on improving emotional regulation, building resilience, and developing healthy coping mechanisms to address the long-term effects of ACEs.

Personal Growth and Development: Supports individuals in achieving their full potential, fostering self-esteem, and developing life skills necessary for personal and professional success.

By offering these comprehensive and culturally appropriate Call-in Telephone Counselling Services, Lotus Wellness Trust plays a vital role in supporting the mental health and well-being of young adults who have experienced adversity, empowering them to overcome challenges and lead fulfilling lives.

Who we are Our Mission Our Vision

We are a non-profit dedicated to supporting young Zimbabweans facing the challenges of adulthood after experiencing adverse childhood events. Our evidence-based counseling helps youth build emotional and mental resilience, unlocking their potential to become healthy, productive adults.

  • Offer culturally sensitive interventions tailored to Zimbabwean youth in the country and across the diaspora.
  • Address acculturation challenges and identity issues faced by young Zimbabweans abroad.
  • Provide support for stigmatized populations seeking to move forward after difficult experiences.

We envision a future where young people in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa overcome adversity and thrive.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)