Lotus Wellness
Lotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness Trust
+263 77 478 2282
(8am - 4pm)

One-on-one counselling

One-on-one counselling

Lotus Wellness Trust provides personalized counselling support to young adults and youth of Zimbabwean origin who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). These experiences can include trauma, abuse, neglect, and other significant stressors that can have lasting impacts on emotional, mental, and psychological well-being.

Key Features of One-on-one Counselling:

  • Evidence-Based Approaches: Utilizing proven therapeutic methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Informed Care, and other culturally sensitive approaches, Lotus Wellness Trust aims to equip young people with the tools and skills to:
    • Manage emotional distress: Techniques for coping with anxiety, depression, anger, and other mental health challenges.
    • Build resilience: Developing inner strength and the ability to bounce back from adversity.
    • Improve self-esteem and self-worth: Addressing feelings of low self-worth and building a positive self-image.
    • Develop healthy relationships: Fostering healthy communication and interpersonal skills.
    • Achieve personal and professional goals: Setting and achieving meaningful life goals.
  • Focus on Holistic Well-being: Recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, Lotus Wellness Trust aims to support the overall well-being of young people by addressing:
    • Emotional needs: Providing a safe and supportive space for emotional expression and processing.
    • Mental health concerns: Addressing anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health conditions.
    • Psychological well-being: Promoting self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal growth.
    • Social and cultural needs: Addressing issues related to cultural identity, acculturation, and belonging.
  • Culturally Appropriate Interventions: Recognizing the unique cultural context of Zimbabwean youth, Lotus Wellness Trust strives to provide culturally sensitive and relevant support that:
    • Respects cultural values and beliefs: Incorporating cultural values and beliefs into the therapeutic process.
    • Addresses the impact of cultural trauma: Acknowledging and addressing the impact of historical and intergenerational trauma.
    • Provides a culturally safe and inclusive environment: Creating a welcoming and supportive space that respects the diverse backgrounds and experiences of young people.
  • Support for Stigmatized Populations: Lotus Wellness Trust extends its support to individuals from stigmatized populations, including those who have experienced discrimination, marginalization, and other forms of social exclusion.
  • Addressing the Impact of Migration: Recognizing the challenges faced by Zimbabwean youth in the diaspora, Lotus Wellness Trust provides support to address:
    • Loss of identity: Helping young people reconnect with their cultural roots and maintain a strong sense of identity.
    • Feelings of isolation and loneliness: Addressing feelings of isolation and loneliness that can arise from living in a foreign country.
    • Acculturation stress: Helping young people navigate the challenges of adapting to a new culture while maintaining their own.

By providing these comprehensive and culturally sensitive one-on-one counselling services, Lotus Wellness Trust empowers young people to overcome adversity, build resilience, and live fulfilling lives.

Who we are Our Mission Our Vision

We are a non-profit dedicated to supporting young Zimbabweans facing the challenges of adulthood after experiencing adverse childhood events. Our evidence-based counseling helps youth build emotional and mental resilience, unlocking their potential to become healthy, productive adults.

  • Offer culturally sensitive interventions tailored to Zimbabwean youth in the country and across the diaspora.
  • Address acculturation challenges and identity issues faced by young Zimbabweans abroad.
  • Provide support for stigmatized populations seeking to move forward after difficult experiences.

We envision a future where young people in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa overcome adversity and thrive.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)