Africa Day Celebrations in Zvishavane

What an amazing day it was celebrating Africa Day with a group of special people in Zvishavane, Midlands province of Zimbabwe – the single mothers. LOTUS WOMEN launched successfully one of its projects – The Single Mothers Safe Haven Project.

This project was initiated after an outcry by single mothers that they face so many challenges in life including prejudice, rejection and non inclusiveness even in churches and no one seems to care.

It is with this background that LOTUS WOMEN seeks to close that social and emotional gap and create an environment that will promote resilience, rebirth and purity amongst this group of people.

On this day these beautiful Queens opened up on emotional and social challenges they face as they take care of their children.
The bitterness, emotional pain, regret, financial burden, the need to compromise at times just to fend for their kids, the questions they need to answer from their kids which are tough and emotional to handle, the outcry to have the school curriculum in early grades revised, where kids are asked about their fathers. How traumatic it is for kids who do not have any close relationship with their fathers and for some who don’t even know them. All these were some of the issues aired during one of the sessions.

I had this fulfilling feeling when after all the emotions were expressed, the beautiful Queens were all smiles and appreciated LOTUS WOMEN for finally remembering them and acknowledging and embracing them the way they are.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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