Lotus Wellness
Lotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness TrustLotus Wellness Trust
+263 77 478 2282
(8am - 4pm)

Who we are

Who we are

We are a non-profit organization that offers counselling and support to young adults and youth of Zimbabwean origin transitioning into adulthood who have experienced (Adverse Childhood Experiences). We would like to offer and use evidence-based counselling methods of support with the goal that these young people become emotionally, mentally and psychologically healthy adults who go on to utilize their fullest potential and become productive individuals who do not identify with their adverse experiences.  Our goal is to expand our model so that we can offer culturally appropriate interventions to young adults in Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

We also offer support to stigmatized populations and individuals trying to move forward with their lives after facing negative life experiences.  In addition, we recognize that there are acculturation and cultural identity issues that Zimbabwean youth are experiencing due to Zimbabwean migration to the diaspora that may cause a loss of identity and a sense of “not belonging”.  We are here to help.

Who we are Our Mission Our Vision

We are a non-profit dedicated to supporting young Zimbabweans facing the challenges of adulthood after experiencing adverse childhood events. Our evidence-based counseling helps youth build emotional and mental resilience, unlocking their potential to become healthy, productive adults.

  • Offer culturally sensitive interventions tailored to Zimbabwean youth in the country and across the diaspora.
  • Address acculturation challenges and identity issues faced by young Zimbabweans abroad.
  • Provide support for stigmatized populations seeking to move forward after difficult experiences.

We envision a future where young people in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa overcome adversity and thrive.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)